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It also means renouncing chasing after things and achievements instead of dedicating oneself to people and relationships, the pope said. This requires renouncing "the idols of efficiency and consumerism," he said, "so as not to get lost in things that end up getting thrown out, as they threw things out in Gehenna back then." "Jesus, however, says not to fear, not because everything will be alright in the world, no, but because we are precious to his Father and nothing that is good will be lost," he said. "It seems paradoxical: the proclamation of the kingdom of God is a message of peace and justice, founded on fraternal charity and on forgiveness, and yet it meets with opposition, violence, persecution," he said. Jesus had already spoken about the persecutions the disciples would undergo for being faithful to the Gospel, "a fact that is still a reality," he said. Jesus was telling the disciples that they do not need to be afraid of "suffering misunderstanding and criticism, of losing prestige and economic advantages to remain faithful to the Gospel, no, but of wasting your existence in the pursuit of trivial things that do not fill life with meaning," the pope said. Jesus used this image, the pope said, "in order to say that the true fear we should have is that of throwing away one's own life." The pope said the valley of Gehenna was used by the inhabitants of Jerusalem as a large garbage dump. In his talk, Pope Francis reflected on the day's Gospel reading (Mt 10:26-33) in which Jesus tells his disciples to "not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna."

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This is the only thing that should frighten us," the pope said before praying the Angelus with some 20,000 visitors gathered in St. "What matters is not to throw away the greatest good: life. The cost is going against the tide, the cost is freeing oneself from being conditioned by popular opinion, the cost is being separated from those who 'follow the current,'" he said. "There is a cost to remaining faithful to what counts. VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Jesus says to have no fear of ridicule, persecution or criticism for being faithful to the Gospel, but to be afraid of wasting one's life chasing after trivial things, Pope Francis said.

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