
Apricot nectar recipes
Apricot nectar recipes

apricot nectar recipes apricot nectar recipes

A high-pressure refrigerant, just like high-pressure water, wants to shoot through the pipes really fast. The refrigerant has left the condenser as a high-pressure liquid. In an air conditioner, the condenser expels hot air - air that has stolen its energy from the refrigerant. And a refrigerant getting colder means that the air around will be getting warmer. So, a condenser decreases the pressure of the refrigerant, which then causes the temperature to decrease. If you decrease the pressure, temperature decreases. If you increase the pressure, the temperature will increase in response. For example, in a chef’s pressure cooker, the pressure increases as the temperature of the food inside does. This component works due to the interaction between pressure and temperature. By the time it leaves the condenser, the refrigerant has lost a lot of its heat and is now a liquid. The condenser is a network of pipes that a hot, gas refrigerant passes through. The air around it is hot from stealing the energy from the water. It’s still pressurized - the liquid water is shooting through the pipes - but it has lost a lot of its heat to the outside air. And imagine that these pipes are so long, that by the time the water vapor exits the pipe, the water has cooled down and become a liquid.

Apricot nectar recipes full#

Picture a twisting coil of pipes that is pumped full of hot, pressurized water vapor. Upon leaving the compressor, the high-pressure gas refrigerant enters the condenser, where the gas becomes a liquid.

Apricot nectar recipes